Sunday, March 24, 2019

Spider man

L is 3 for a few more months.  He likes to milk his place as the youngest in the family.  He is pretty awesome.  He learned the word grip recently and P loved to have L show him his grip, extending his hand and having L squeeze it tight.  L loves to explain and define.  He tells us what we're "'sposed to" do, like "You're 'sposed to sleep with me." and he often tells us "I thought I wanted to have milk and signing time." when he really just wants those things. 

L likes to show expressions.  When he's deciding he puts his finger to his lips and says "Hmmmm".
I love how he shows happy and sad just for the fun of it.
Here he is trying to wink.

We put the training wheels back on the little red bike that B just barely graduated from and now L is racing around on it.

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