Sunday, May 30, 2021

Reading to L


B and L play candy land a lot recently.  I love it.  They aren't competitive, they just play.  L loves to get the cards with candy even if it means going back.
L gets read to a lot recently.  I'm glad we're making space for this.  He's the only person in the family who can't read.  Each of the siblings has a sound box book they are supposed to read with L.  I read to him before nap time.  He also asks for books at various times in the day.

When grandpa visits, L gets him to read to him.  He also gets chased around the house and screams a lot.  I'm glad he's the only one doing it.

L loves B and it's sweet to watch them learn and play together.
L continues to call things with  unique descriptive terms.  He called this the blow up ball with a silly face.
He has these awesome folders and loves to match the numbers.
He can do the monkey bars.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

work and naps

 L started taking naps a few weeks ago.  We go in and read a few books then fall asleep from 3-4, sometimes 5.  This routine has led to better routines of other work for him.  I started him in the kindergarten Good and Beautiful language arts.  He also does math, cutting and phonics work.  We have been riding bikes and scooters around the neighborhood and his stamina is getting good.