Sunday, September 1, 2024

3rd grade

 L is doing well in 3rd grade.  There are daily math and reading assignments.  He has gotten pretty good at coming home, eating a snack, starting on his piano, math, and reading.  I'm so proud of him for managing these responsibilities.  I'm so glad he has learned so much and developed so much in the last year.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Great Summer

 L has had a great summer.  He played with his friend R a few times.  He got to swim once a week.  Some friends from church got puppies and L got to play with them a few times.  He did a lot of work in his math books and some language arts.  The summer has flown by and I'm confident that L will have a good year in 3rd grade.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024



L likes to search for 4 leaf clovers.  I took a picture of him with one.  I asked him to take another picture explaining that this one looked like someone was poking him with a stick.
He got a hoot out of that and took a nice picture for me.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Solo for a Rolo

 In primary we fill extra time with "Solo for a Solo".  Today L raised his hand but then declined coming up.  Tonight he told me that he wasn't sure his song would be appropriate.  This was his song:

Thursday, February 22, 2024


 L has a friend R.  We finally connected with her dad and have started having a weekly playdate.  I'm so glad when my kids have friends.

He's doing great in school and is back to a normal calendar for behavior.  So awesome.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

New medicine doing great

 October 1st L started a new medication.  In the old days this would have been the basic medication and it has been great for him.  Our experience was starting on low dose vyvanse and then upping the dose.  That made him to sensitive so we switched to Astarsys, or maybe that was the 3rd medication.  Then we switched to Atomoxetine (non-stimulant) and he was on that for 4 months.  When he was having problems in school, lots of aggression and negative behavior we asked to switch back to a stimulant medication.  He now takes 2 5mg tablets a day and he's doing great.  He behaves so well, he doesn't yell at us that we're being too loud, he's so sweet.  He's also 18 months older than when we started medication.  He's a strong reader and catching up on math.

Friday, November 17, 2023


 This week I was able to go on a field trip with Al’s class and today I am doing lunch duty for each of the boys.